Ambassors of Change Learnings


Apr 24, 2024By Liz Clark

A big thank you to The Northern Lights Organisation for providing a space and organising a very deep and meaningful seminar. The Ambassors of Change / Erasmus + is over and we are on our way home.
What happens to you when you think you are going somewhere to learn about one thing and you realise that what's available to learn is soo much more than the topic? Non formal education through Erasmus + really opens space for personal growth through collaboration. What you learn comes not only from the teacher but also from your peers. Living closely and sharing responsibilities together push us to discover dynamics of community living and human systems, conflict resolution and self direction. When we work together we are more, we can do more and even feel like we are more!

As I have been journeying through community life over the past 10 years I've worked, volunteered, initiated, opened space, renovated homes, planted gardens and trees and more importantly learned a lot about how we can exist together, work together and choose collaboration over competition. When we can hear others without personalising a criticism or if we can share our opinions and feelings to open ears and hearts, what really happens in those moments is people begin to heal and to truly connect to their own nature, the nature within. This is even clearer to me today after a 10 day seminar. What's true in the way we want to turn our farming systems, also seems true in how we should turn our social structures.

- Diversify
- Take care
- Give nutrients
- Protect the roots
- Give space
- Observe and modify
- Nurture and grow

Thank you to all of these diverse individuals, co-creating a positive change, taking a piece of this experience out into the world and we have been shaken, let the ripples spread far and wide!!
Let's grow together!