August - Grey to Green

Aug 30, 2024By Liz Clark


Now we are heading back home with kids in toe on the long drive in a Campervan... The route has been similar to that of the busy week's before, a meandering between chãos and calm at the Northern Lights. With time to reflect and absorb all of the learning experiences and how I may bring them into my reality in the future. Not only the practical hands on stuff, but the subtle communication, relationships, being true and speaking truth, being open to differences and new ideas, understanding that we are all teachers and we are all students, all children and parents, all masculine and feminine, finding our way to balance and harmony, through the chaos and the calm. 

The saying it takes a village to raise a child just becomes clear here. They never stop, moving, exploring, running, climbing, searching, talking, asking people to help them, show them, teach them new things, driving tractors, hunting frogs, following the boss for the day, making cob, fishing, sculpting, macrame, gymnastics, teamwork, communication, harvesting, swimming, cycling... The List is endless, they have a place every moment of the day. No stopping because parents are tired. I was so worried about arriving and not having time to join the course effectively, how far from the reality that idea was!

So thank you to all the participants who have opened their hearts and offered their time to teach, share and co exist with these little people. Moments like these will be the ones they remember, the ones that shape who they will become  

A much used statement that I encourage the Forestlings children to learn "teamwork makes the Dream Work" couldn't be more clear than during the grey to green course, in a 2 week period over 60 people gathered and built a straw bale house, a Nebraska fridge, renovated a tiny house and a room in the main farm house, roofed and cobbed the bar and restored the shop roof, built a pier into the lake and connected on many different levels, artistic, musical, linguistically, through dance and romance, with mud, macrame, straw and theatre, silence, sharing, listening, seminars, jokes and storytelling, through illness, injury, tears and laughter.
Hands on learning really makes impact on those who participate and a learning that will last a lifetime. With every learning journey our mistakes lead us to the solutions and having space to question the way, design the path, share experience and gain new ones. This type of learning style captures me more and more. I know not everyone learns in the same way, the experts from degree.47, critical concrete and Jean Philippe helped out on a more theoretical level to give the substance for all of the teams throughout the course. Thank you guys  

The Northern Lights ! Love love love ! It amazed me yet again to see the way the space evokes creativity, lightens peoples souls and allows for all to be possible. There are so many resources available, I've not heard no once in this space, yes we have it, yes you can do it, yes let me help you, it's really inspiring how freedom opens doors and hearts. Keep going guys the space and the project are truly inspiring! I'm already looking forward to our next adventure!